Saturday, 28 February 2015

Saturday 28th February 2015

Francis Rejecting the World
  and Embracing Christ”

Bear fruits worthy of repentance.


John is calling the people to repentance, honesty and integrity of their faith.  John’s challenges the people to examine themselves and their actions towards others.  This resonates with our desert experiences.  If we are honest in our solitude then we will examine ourselves, we look to see where and of what we need to repent.  It can be a cleansing process – like John’s baptisms – if we let it.

Friday 27th February 2015

Francis Rejecting the World
  and Embracing Christ”

‘Blessed be the Lord God of Israel,  for he has looked favourably on his people and redeemed them.


Luke places the proclamation of John the Baptist into its historical context.  And then he quotes from Isaiah, putting John’s words into a theological context.  We do the same thing when going to a desert. We have our accommodation and the other support structures around us, our context, and then week seek a spiritual context.  Although I suspect we don’t think about the words of an ancient Hebrew prophet when we go. Does your context help when you seek a desert experience with God?

Thursday, 26 February 2015

Thursday 26th February 2015

Francis Rejecting the World
  and Embracing Christ”

The child grew and became strong in spirit, and he was in the wilderness until the day he appeared publicly to Israel.


We have come to know most of this passage of scripture, - the prophecy of Zechariah - as the Benedictus.  But it is verse 80 that we need to look at today.  John went to the wilderness until his time to minister to the people arrived.  His period in the desert was for preparation, not escape.  How do you view your periods in the desert?

Wednesday 25th February 2015

Francis Rejecting the World
  and Embracing Christ”


“Do not be afraid, Zechariah, for your prayer has been heard."


John the Baptist’s birth was announced by Gabriel, to parents who thought they would never have children.  Until Gabriel was sent the event they wanted did not happen.  We sometimes go to our period of solitude in the desert with a specific purpose in mind - with a particular prayer and sometimes we leave the desert thinking the prayer was not answered and the time spent was not as we would have hoped.  When this happens we are perhaps disheartened and stop. Elizabeth and Zechariah tell us differently.

Tuesday, 24 February 2015

Tuesday 24th February 2015

Francis Rejecting the World
  and Embracing Christ”

I have set my bow in the clouds, and it shall be a sign of the covenant between me and the earth


 Our time with Noah ends today and so it is perhaps fitting that we end with the sign of the rainbow and it’s reminder of God’s covenant with his creation.  When we leave our time in the desert, we hopefully go with a changed view of ourselves.

  I wonder though, do we also take away with us a visual cue/reminder of the changes that happened during that time?

Monday, 23 February 2015

Monday 23rd february

“St Francis Rejecting the World 
and Embracing Christ”.

Then God for me I am establishing my covenant with you,..

We often read these passages and think that the covenant God made with Noah was only for humans. But the passage says it was with all living creatures. When our desert experience changes us, it also changes those around us.  We often fail to realise this.  

When we neglect the others, we perhaps place limits or constraints on the changes we are seeking.

Sunday, 22 February 2015

Sunday 22nd February 2015

“St Francis Rejecting the World 
and Embracing Christ”.


Noah sent the dove to see if the ground was dry. He waited until the actions of the dove gave him the result he needed.  When we are in the desert we may not have a dove to send out, but we nevertheless look for signs that the changes we expect, or are perhaps wanting, to happen are indeed occurring. 

It is possible, though that in our anxiousness we become like the raven flying to and fro, rather than being like the dove resting until we find our olive branch. 

Which bird best describes your actions?

Saturday 21st February 2015...

“St Francis Rejecting the World 
and Embracing Christ”.


The rain continued for 40 days and nights, but the waters remained on the earth longer.  If we simply focus on the 40 days, then we will miss the longer, more intense period of change.  When we enter the desert we expect that once the period of our seclusion is over, we will return to our lives.  We think there may be some change, but our minds are set on the experience and we look only for the changes that the experience brought.  We perhaps need also to prepare for the changes which can happen in the long period after the desert. Where do you focus your attention?

Friday, 20 February 2015

Friday 20th February 2015

“St Francis Rejecting the World 
and Embracing Christ”.


God asked Noah to build the ark, and then to fill it with provisions for the long journey ahead.  God also told Noah that he would establish a covenant with him.  Noah did as he was asked. He must have known the journey would be long and tedious, filled with hardship, but he did not say no.  The journey into a desert is a challenging task. And is not one that we can take without making some sort of plan or provisions.  When our journey is a primarily a spiritual one, then the preparations we need to make are perhaps more difficult.  

What type of covenant would you seek with God?   

Thursday 19th February 2015

“St Francis Rejecting the World 
and Embracing Christ”.


We all know this scripture well, there is a flood coming and death will follow the waters. A large body of water can be as isolating as a dry desert.  Noah prepares to enter the period of isolation from all that he and his family have known.

What preparations would you make for such a journey?

Ash Wednesday - 2015

“St Francis Rejecting the World 
and Embracing Christ”.

Genesis 6:5-8

Humans often think they are invincible.  They can do as they please and there will be no consequences of their actions or deeds.  This passage reminds us that this is not so. We are observed and there will be an accounting for our activities.
Lent is traditionally the time we give up something as a form of penance for our selfishness and egocentric activities of the past year. I suspect there are not many of us, who could be described like this “Noah found favour in the sight of the Lord”.  As we prepare to journey through the desert in the next 6 weeks, let us focus less on what we have done wrong, and focus more on what we can do to enrich our relationships with God and each other.  This way our desert experience will sustain and strengthen us rather than tire us.

Are you more comfortable looking back at the past or are you prepared to look at the present and forward to the future?