Wednesday, 1 April 2015

Wednesday 1st April 2015

"Francis Rejecting the World
  and "Embracing Christ”

As tomorrow is Maundy Thursday, and the start of Holy Week, today marks the end of Lent.  We have spent a little time on our Lenten journey with Noah, John the Baptist, Jesus, the Desert Fathers and Mothers. It is my hope that these small moments have given you some inspiration, some sustenance and were a source of support on your Lenten journey.
While the path of our faith journey can be narrow, and at times difficult, it also brings much love and joy into our lives. I pray you all have a blessed and Holy Easter and as St Paul said to the Philippians that “the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.” (Philippians 4:7)

Tuesday 31st March 2015

"Francis Rejecting the World
  and "Embracing Christ”

It is fair, I think, to say that all desert, or periods of solitude, will end.  The end will come with both a sense of completion, and probably a touch of sadness.  Hopefully we will approach the end of the experience with a renewed sense of purpose, maybe a revitalised, or deeper prayer life and perhaps a new perspective of humility, or perchance a subtle combination of all.  Which of these that we have explored in the last six weeks has been the most apt for you?