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“St Francis Rejecting the World and Embracing Christ”. |
Psalm 6
1. All you who pass by the way, look and see if there is any
sorrow like to my sorrow; for many dogs have surrounded me and I am besieged by
the schemes of the wicked.
2. They have examined and scrutinised me, and they have
divided my garments between them, and they have gambled for my tunic.
Great pain indeed and familiar words.
Does the fact that the words are placed on the lips of this
psalmist rather than narrated help you to
understand them more fully?
Psalm 6
Friday 11th April 2014
3. They have pierced my hands and my feet they were able to
count all my bones.
4. They have opened their mouth at me like some lion that
snatches its prey.
Again, the piercing of nails, the starvation in death, the
psalmist is consumed by the crowd as though the prey of a lion
Can you imagine this at all, where is he?
Psalm 6
Saturday 12th April 2014
5. I am poured out like water- all my bones are out of
joint, my heart is melted within me like wax, my strength is dried up like a
potsherd, my tongue sticks to my jaws.
6. They have given me gall for my food, and in my thirst
they made me drink vinegar.
Within the terror of the psalmists experience he understand
that to suffer silently, to shut us out of his mind will not help us understand
his broken body and the stumbling attempts at mercy. Do you believe that where
mercy is shown mercy is given?
Psalm 6
Sunday 13th April 2014
7. They have led me down into the dust of death, and they
have added more suffering to the pain of my wounds.
8. But I have slept, and I have arisen, and my Most Holy
Father has taken me up to glory.
What glory! After such pain the psalmist is resurrected and
assumed into heaven, his most Holy Father has come to his aid.
Through such great suffering would you keep your eyes and
heart constantly on your Redeemer?
Psalm 6
Monday 14th April 2014
9 Holy Father, you have held me by the hand,
you have willed to lead me out, and you have assumed me into glory.
10 For what
have I in Heaven, and what have I on earth apart from you?
All the Psalmist wants and seeks will be found in the
company and presence of God. There is no
doubt of in the mind of the Psalmist. Do
you also think like this?
Psalm 6
Tuesday 15th April 2014
11 Look and
see that I am God, says the Lord- I shall be exalted among the nations and
exalted on earth.
Finally the Psalmist gives a voice; God. In the trials and tribulations of the 6
psalms, the psalmist has never given up the faith in, and devotion to, God.
Are we so diligent, that we never waver in our devotion to,
and faith in, God? Somehow I suspect
Wednesday 16th April 2014
Psalm 6
12 Blessed be
the Lord, the God of Israel, who redeems the souls of His servants with His own
Most Holy Blood, and never abandons those who place their trust in Him.
13 And we
know that He is coming, He is coming to bring us true justice.
The core of the psalmist’s beliefs and convictions are
revealed in these verses. A simple
enunciation, yet so profound in the perception of the faith, we profess.
When was the last time, you were asked to make a similar
declaration? Where you as clear?
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