Saturday, 5 March 2016

Lent 3. 2016 4th March -you shall love your neighbour as yourself

4th March

(C)BR.Luke Efo 2010

Scripture Mark 12: 28-34
28 One of the scribes came, and heard them questioning together. Knowing that he had answered them well, asked him, “Which commandment is the greatest of all?”
29 Yeshua answered, “The greatest is, ‘Hear, Israel, the Lord our God, the Lord is one: 30  you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind, and with all your strength.’ This is the first commandment. 31  The second is like this, ‘You shall love your neighbour as yourself.’ There is no other commandment greater than these.”
32 The scribe said to him, “Truly, Rabbi, you have said well that he is one, and there is none other but he, 33 and to love him with all the heart, and with all the understanding, with all the soul, and with all the strength, and to love his neighbour as himself, is more important than all whole burnt offerings and sacrifices.”
34 When Yeshua saw that he answered wisely, he said to him, “You are not far from God’s Kingdom.”
No one dared ask him any question after that.

“The second is this, “You shall love your neighbour as yourself.” (part of verse 31). It is probable that we can all identify who our neighbours are. We can also probably say, with the knowledge we have of the gospels, how we should treat them. Yet we often fall very sort of this commandment.  Have we, in our hedonistic western culture centric view, forgotten how to love ourselves, (without being narcissistic or ego-centric) and so our neighbour has no hope? Or is that we now simply don’t care?

Your thoughts:

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